
CrossFit Armis, Armis Oglethorpe, Armis Cumming, Armis JSTARS, Armis Calhoun, Armis Black Flag, Armis Macon – Flex

Functional Strength

Metcon (No Measure)

1.) 3 SETS

12-15 Seated DB Strict Press (Mod)

-Quick Rest-

10-12 DB Incline Bench (Mod-Heavy)

-Quick Rest-

Mas Reps DB Floor Press (Heavy)*

*:01 Pause at the Top of Each Floor Press.

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-


40 Wide Grip Strict Pull-Ups

40 Narrow Grip Tempo Push-Ups (1111)

*Break up as needed to complete all 80 reps.
GOAL: RPE 6-7 — Upper Push…mod to mod-heavy to heavy in this three set building push. Try to use a weight that challenges you toward the end of each set. In the max reps, shooting for 12-15 reps that you have to gut out.


Metcon (No Measure)


50 Barbell High Hang Muscle Snatch

50 Barbell Behind Neck Strict Press

50 Barbell Skull Crushers

50 Barbell Curls

50 Barbell 1+1/2 Back Squats

*OPTIONAL — 1:00 Wall Sit & 1:00 Plank Hold after each 50 Reps.
GOAL: A full body flex favorite. Static hold sets are optional this time around…if you want to make this extra juicy add a 45lb plate to your lap during the Wall Sit and 45lb plate to your back during the plank. Crisp movement! Lightweight baby…but not reckless. Complete in order. Break up as needed to complete the 50 but try to come back to the bar quickly.

Mixed Conditioning

Warm-up (No Measure)



Perform mobility, flexibility or self-care on body…10:00 specifically on upper body and 10:00 specifically on the lower body.



Active Recovery Walk, Hike, Swim, Run, Row, Bike, Stretch, Sauna, Ice Bath or any combination…


CrossFit Armis, Armis Oglethorpe, Armis Cumming, Armis JSTARS, Armis Calhoun, Armis Black Flag, Armis Macon – Flex

Functional Strength

Metcon (No Measure)

1.) 3×14

Alt. Barbell Forward Lunges (Moderate-Heavy)

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

2.) 3×10/10

DB Split Squat (Moderate)

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
GOAL: RPE 6-7 — Unilateral forward focused lunging. Quad focused single leg day after the big posterior focused squat day yesterday. For the split squat, if you are familiar with KneesOverToes guy on IG…feel free to push forward in the lunge.


Metcon (No Measure)

1.) 3-5 SETS

15 Slow & Heavy DB Shrugs (AHAP)

-Quick Walking Rest-

15 Plate Front Raises (Athlete Choice)

-Quick Walking Rest-

15 Bent Over DB Rev. Flys (Mod-Light)

-At Least 1:30 b/t Sets-

2.) 3 SETS

20 Slow Calf Raises (On Plate)

20 Slow Tib Raises (Wall Supported)

20 Slow Alt. Cossack Squats (No Weight)

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
GOAL: Shoulder Caps and Back along with some body accessory work. Do not rush any of the movements today. Feel each rep. If you’re looking for more upper body volume, add the additional sets.

Mixed Conditioning

Metcon (No Measure)


PICK 2 of the 3 SETS*

1:00 ON / :30 OFF

*6-8 Intervals Each Set

-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-

Set 1 – Run, Bike or Row

Set 2 – ARMAP of 2 Push-Ups + 2 Alt Lunges

Set 3 – :30 Bike or Row + :30 Burpees


CrossFit Armis, Armis Oglethorpe, Armis Cumming, Armis JSTARS, Armis Calhoun, Armis Black Flag, Armis Macon – Flex

Functional Strength

Metcon (No Measure)


5 Tempo Box Squats (30X1)|(Mod-Heavy)*

*Slow to top of the box. Fast off the box to the standing position. Option to build or hold weight. Superset with 25 Banded Russian KB Swings (Heavy).

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
GOAL: RPE 8-9 — Mod-Heavy & Explosive. Looking for a fast stand from a non-static seated position. Do not need to come to a deadstop on the box…heels must be planted and stay engaged but once the glutes and hammies touch, push back up fast.


Metcon (No Measure)

1.) 2 SETS*


Narrow or Towel Pull-Ups

Heavy DB Hack Squat**

*Complete 15 of each, 12 of each, then 9 of each. Then rest & Repeat.

**Can perform with heels elevated and DBs at side or hold in goblet position sliding up and down a wall.

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

2.) 3 SETS

12-15 EZ Bar Curls (Mod)

12-15 Ab-Wheel Rollouts

12-15 Weighted Crunches (Heavy)

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
GOAL: Rounding out the lower body focus strength with an upper/lower split. Relatively low volume today here…make sure each rep really counts. Think about slow and intentional contraction and eccentric release in the part 2 arms and abs work. Squeeze at the top…slow return.

Mixed Conditioning

Metcon (No Measure)



1000/800m Row

75 Burpees Over Rower

50 Push-Ups

25 Strict Pull-Ups

*Repeat from last week…beat your time if you remember it. If not, beat your effort.


CrossFit Armis, Armis Oglethorpe, Armis Cumming, Armis JSTARS, Armis Calhoun, Armis Black Flag, Armis Macon – Flex

Functional Strength

Metcon (No Measure)

1.) 10-8-6-4-10*

Bench Press

*Build to a heavy 4 then lower load back down to match your first set of 10.

2.) 2-3 SETS

16 Alt. Seesaw Bent Over Row (Heavy)*


:30 Max Reps Single DB Bench (Heavy)

*Raise one arm as the other lowers. 8 reps each arm for 16 total each set.
GOAL: RPE 6-7 | Bench, Back, Bis, and Tris on the menu today for your Saturday. For the Bench Press…you have the option for going for MAX REPS instead of the final set of 10. If you feel like pushing the chest a bit more, hit a max set at a weight you are confident you can move for 10-12+ reps. Enjoy the pumps!


Metcon (No Measure)

1.) 4xMax Reps

Alt. DB Twisting Curl (Heavy)*

*Superset with Max Reps of Light EZ Bar Curl…goal is 15+

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

2.) 4xMax Reps

EZ Bar Skull Crushers (Heavy)*

*Superset with Max Reps of Diamond Push-Ups…goal is 15+

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-


100 Weighted Crunches (Heavy)*

50/50 Single Band Tricep Extension

50 Slow Banded Curls**

*Break-up as needed to complete all 100 reps.

**:01 Pause at the top of each rep.
GOAL: Heavy into light and fast for the arms today. I want you to feel the squeeze of the heavy reps…especially the final few before transitioning to the light and fast reps. For the weighted crunches, use a DB across your shoulders…do not let it roll down your body as you perform the crunch.

Mixed Conditioning

Metcon (No Measure)


ON A 20:00-40:00 RUNNING CLOCK…

Brisk Walk or Hike w/ Slow & Controlled Nasal Breathing*

*Weight Vest Optional…

Beginner — No weight

Intermediate — 20lb Vest or Ruck

Advanced — 50lb Vest or Ruck


CrossFit Armis, Armis Oglethorpe, Armis Cumming, Armis JSTARS, Armis Calhoun, Armis Black Flag, Armis Macon – Flex

Functional Strength

Metcon (No Measure)

1.) 3×10-12

Barbell Hip Thrusts*

*Moderate-Heavy to Heavy for all sets. Clear pause at the top of every rep. Superset with 10-15 SUPER Strict Pull-Ups after every set…even if you’re a pull-up ninja, you should need to break these up!

2.) 3 SETS

1:00 Weighted Bar Hang*

-Quick Rest-

1:00 Max Weighted Strict Dips

*Add additional weight with vest or DB b/t thighs. Goal is a full minute hold that you STRUGGLE to hold.

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
GOAL: RPE 8-9 | Get ready for the barbell on your body…use a pad, fam! No shame in the pad game. For the hip thrusts, make sure you are creating a clear pause at the top with full engagement of the posterior chain.


Metcon (No Measure)

1.) 3 SETS

15 Single KB Feet Elevated RDL (Heavy & SLOW)

Immediately into…

15 Single KB Feet Elevated Baseball Grip Squats (Heavy & SLOW)*

*Hold KB with both hands on center handle, between legs and squat as low as possible.

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-


75 Empty Barbell Wide Grip Strict Press

75 Empty Barbell Kang Squats

50 Alt Side Lunges or Cossack Squats*

50 Barbell or Ab Wheel Rollouts

*25 Reps Each Leg
GOAL: 90 reps to blast the posterior chain…I love this combo of movements and the sequence / challenge of NO REST. You should be burning with the weight and control!

Mixed Conditioning

Metcon (No Measure)


5:00 Max Distance

-Rest 2:30-

4:00 Max Distance

-Rest 2:00:

3:00 Max Distance

-Rest 1:30-

2:00 Max Distance

-Rest 1:00-

1:00 Max Distance

-Rest :30-

5:00 Max Distance

*Use any cardio choice to complete…run, bike, row, or ski


CrossFit Armis, Armis Oglethorpe, Armis Cumming, Armis JSTARS, Armis Calhoun, Armis Black Flag, Armis Macon – Flex

Functional Strength

Metcon (No Measure)

1.) 10-10-10

Hang Power Clean*

Start Moderate & Build Heavier each set. Clear catch and stand every rep. Do not rush the transition.

2.) 5-5-5-5-5

Strict Overhead Press*

*Start Moderate-Light & Build slowly to Moderate-Heavy. Control the barbell every rep. 100% Strict.
GOAL: RPE 6-7 | Getting explosive and going overhead. For the HPC…actually FEEL the reps please. Do not create so much speed and momentum that you lose the mind-muscle connection. For the Strict Press…110% strict. If you can’t perform standing without momentum, perform seated and going lighter.


Metcon (No Measure)

1.) 4 SETS

20 Alt DB Front Raises (Moderate)

10 DB Bent Over Fly (Moderate)

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

2.) 4×7/7

DB Woodchoppers (Mod-Light)*

*Hold Single DB with both hands on the center grip. Option to add additional reps up to 10-12



Banded Deadbug*

Seated Banded Row**

*L=R = 1-Rep

**Grip optional…wide or narrow.
GOAL: RPE 6-7 | Odd object, rotational, and band work to kick off today’s Bodybuilding. A bit of a change-up compared to the past 2 days. For the Woodchoppers, these are a new movement for us…move slow and start light, increase with comfort and reps.

Mixed Conditioning

Warm-up (No Measure)



Perform mobility, flexibility or self-care on body…10:00 specifically on upper body and 10:00 specifically on the lower body.



Active Recovery Walk, Hike, Swim, Run, Row, Bike, Stretch, Sauna, Ice Bath or any combination…


CrossFit Armis, Armis Oglethorpe, Armis Cumming, Armis JSTARS, Armis Calhoun, Armis Black Flag, Armis Macon – Flex

Functional Strength

Metcon (No Measure)


Back Squat (AHAP)*

*Superset with 10 Tall Box Jumps after each set. Two foot takeoff and two foot landing. Step down off the box every rep.
GOAL: RPE 8-9 | Heavy AF today. You can choose to build the first 5 sets then hit 5 at your heaviest load OR perform all 10 sets at the same heavy weight. Either way, when you step under the bar you MUST feel it today.


Metcon (No Measure)

1.) 3 SETS

15/15 Single DB Bulgarian Split Squats (Heavy)*

-Rest at Least 1:00-

20 Single DB Narrow Stance Goblet Squats (Heavy)**

*Hold DB on the same side of the elevated leg.

**Fast reps with 3/4 ROM…focus on the quads.

2.) 3 SETS

25 Single DB Crush Curls (Heavy)

Immediately Into…

Max Reps Single DB Crush Curl (Mod-Light)


MIN 1 – :45 Tuck-Ups or Sit-Ups

MIN 2 – :45 Plate Gun Hold

MIN 3 – :45 Push-Up Plank
GOAL: For the Narrow Stance Squats…3/4 ROM…hit full depth BUT only come up about 3/4 of the way up…keeping the tension in the quads the entire time. Think about your quads while you do these…for real…think about your quads getting bigger. For the Crush Curls…you are using 2 different DBs with the same movement.

Mixed Conditioning

Metcon (No Measure)



:30 ON / :30 OFF (5 ROUNDS)

Max Effort Bike Sprint

-Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-


CrossFit Armis, Armis Oglethorpe, Armis Cumming, Armis JSTARS, Armis Calhoun, Armis Black Flag, Armis Macon – Flex

Functional Strength

Metcon (No Measure)


Double Pause Sumo DL*

*Pause for :01 Below the Knee on the way UP and the Way Down. Touch N Go reps today but no hard slam. Use a mod-heavy to heavy weight for all 5 sets.
GOAL: RPE 6-7 | Take these slow. The intensity and tension will come from the tension, adherence to the pauses, and slowing the darn movement downnnnn!


Metcon (No Measure)

1.) 3-5 SETS

Max Reps DB Incline Bench (Heavy)

Quick Rest then Into…

10 Slow & Wide Ring Rows w/ Palms Forward Grip

-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-

2.) 30-20-10-20-30

Feet Elevated Single DB Glute Bridge-Up*

Feet Elevated Tempo Push-Ups (1111)

*:01 Pause at the Top of Each Rep.

3.) 3 SETS

20/20 Single Arm Banded Chest Fly*

20 Reps Banded Tricep Pulldown**

*Attach to pull-up bar, stand perpendicular to the bar. Grab band and pull down and toward middle of the body replicating the chest fly.

**Pause at the end of each rep with a flex of tricep
GOAL: Volume heavy Upper Push Day with a little booty burn snuck in there. The chest flys are AMAZING. I like thinking about a strong pec squeeze on each rep when the band reaches the full ROM to the middle of the body.

Mixed Conditioning

Metcon (No Measure)



1000/800m Row

75 Burpees Over Rower

50 Push-Ups

25 Strict Pull-Ups